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A Fairy tale Bird Garden

Since my earliest childhood, I have been longing for nature, especially the feathered beings, and I wanted to equip my yard with bird feeders and boxes for attracting these creatures. I had to wait for materialisation of this childhood dream in to my adulthood. The yard of my parent’s house situated in the picturesque valley of the Revúca stream below the majestic rocky altar of Čierny kameň was the site which I chose for building up my ‘Fairy-tale Bird Garden’ or ‘Bird’s Paradise’. In terms of modern ecological terminology, we are speaking about an eco-yard. The ‘Bird’s Paradise’, that means six dozens of big naturally grown wooden feeders and two times more bird boxes for roosting and breeding. The ‘Fairy-tale Bird Garden’ offers a year-long ‘full service’ – full board and accommodation in top luxury boxes, for the little plumed creatures. The community in the ‘Bird’s Paradise’ consumes 1,000 kg sunflower seeds yearly.

Miroslav Saniga

Boarding and accommodation in the ‘Bird’s Paradise’ in the village Liptovské Revúce meets all the top-quality criteria, and without exaggeration we can conclude that the territory of the ‘Fairy-tale Bird Garden’ has the highest density of bird feeders and bird boxes from all over the world. Perhaps it is a fact worth recording in the Guinness Book!

Some winter days, when I enjoy hundreds of birds criss-crossing my ‘Fairy-tale Bird Garden’ and turning it to a sort of ‘bird hive’, I feel happy as a little boy. The feathered banqueters in the ‘Bird’s Paradise’ are already well familiar with their host and some of them have such confidence that they come to take their sunflower seeds directly from his hand. For any animal species, this is a manifestation of the highest possible confidence... In all conscience, the host of the bird community could never wish a sweeter reward.

Birds' Garden publications

Z mojej vtáčej záhrady

Publisher: Bratislava: VEDA, vydavateľstvo SAV
Year: 2009
Pages: 192
ISBN: 978-80-224-1073-1

From my bird garden

Rozprávková vtáčia záhradka – A Fairy tale Bird Garden

Publisher: Liptovské Revúce: Miroslav SANIGA
Year: 2009
Pages: 16
ISBN: 978-80-970181-5-3

A fairytale bird garden

Vtáčie búdky a kŕmidlá v Rozprávkovej vtáčej záhradke a Rozprávkovom domčeku murárika červenokrídleho – Bird boxes and feeders in the Fairy-tale Bird Garden and Fairy-tale Wallcreeperʼs House

Publisher: Liptovské Revúce: Miroslav SANIGA
Year: 2011
Pages: 72
ISBN: 978-80-970831-7-5

Bird boxes and feeders in the Fairy-tale Bird Garden and Fairy-tale Wallcreeper’s house